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Stuffed Bun

My dear friends. Wish you all a very Happy New Year. I know this is too late but as they say better late than never ;) Ours was a quiet new year, how about you guys?

I know that its been so long that I posted something.. I have been too busy. Well, its a very bad excuse but it is the fact. Surprisingly, I did not start the new year with a sweet dish (I loveee sweets). I made stuffed buns. Yeah.. They came out awesome. You guys have to try this out. This will be awesome lunch idea for kids and adults too. Non-messy and easy to pack. Check them out..


For the filling (Egg)
  • Eggs, boiled and chopped - 2 
  • Cauliflower, chopped - 1/2 C
  • Carrot, grated - 1/4 C
  • Green peas - 1/4 C
  • Onion, chopped - 1 
  • Ginger-garlic paste - 1 T 
  • Green chilly, chopped - 1 
  • Turmeric - 1/4 t
  • Pepper powder - 1/2 t
  • Garam masala - 1/2 t
  • Fennel powder - 1/2 t
  • Salt - To taste
  • Oil - 2 T

  • Heat oil in a pan .
  • Once hot, add the ginger-garlic paste and green chillies. 
  • Saute till the raw smell goes and add onion. 
  • When the onion turns light brown/transparent, add all the powders. 
  • Mix well for a few mins and add the vegs, eggs. 
  • Mix till the vegetables are partially cooked.
  • Remove from fire and allow to cool.


For the Bun
  • All purpose flour/maida - 2.5 C
  • Active dry yeast - 2 t
  • Warm water - 2 T
  • Sugar - 1 T + 1 T
  • Milk - 1/4 C
  • Oil - 1/4 C
  • Egg - 1 beaten
  • Egg white - of 1 egg, for egg wash
  • Salt - to taste 
  • Sesame seeds - 2 T

  • Dissolve the yeast in warm water along with 1 T sugar and keep aside for 10 mins.
  • Add the all purpose flour (Add 1 C now. You will have to add more while kneading the dough), sugar, milk, oil and salt into a bowl and mix until you get a smooth paste. 
  • To this, add the beaten egg, yeast, rest of the all purpose flour and knead until you get a soft dough (add flour little by little). 
  • Keep the dough covered in a warm place for around 2-3 hrs (the dough will rise in volume by that time).
  • Knead the dough lightly and make large lemon-sized balls out of it. 
  • Flatten the dough balls and fill with the stuffing (1T or 2 T).  
  • Shape it back into a ball. 
  • Arrange the stuffed balls on a greased foil and let them rest for 10 - 50 mins. 
  • Meanwhile, preheat the oven at 350 F for around 15 mins. 
  • Beat the egg white to a smooth foamy paste and apply it over the buns and sprinkle sesame seeds. 
  • Bake the stuffed buns for 20 - 25 mins or until their surface becomes reddish brown in color.
  • Yummy Stuffed buns are ready :)


  1. wow yummy and a new way of stuffing the buns ...

  2. I tried this twice..but once my oven wasn't good enough and the next time tried the dough didn't rise well..hope the 3rd time will be lucky and hoping to try this soon !! Long time pinne..hows everything?

  3. Drooling at the sight of these buns.......perfectly baked.......Awesome.

  4. wow..such a tempting buns mouthwatering..

  5. The stuffed buns look utterly inviting, Gopika :) can feel the warmth and smell the flavorful aromas :)

  6. Stuffed buns looks awesome and sounds delicious Gopika, great stuffing and perfectly baked buns..
    Thanks for your visit and comment at my space which lead me to the beautiful space of yours. I'm glad to follow you and hope to see you in my followers list soon :)

  7. Wishing u too a very Happy New Year..these buns look so yummy, perfect n tempting :)

  8. Awesome buns. Wonderful preparation.

  9. Yum, they look superb, love the stuffing and the golden color of the buns :)

  10. Very tempting buns, kids would love this a lot as well!

  11. Gopika, I have tried emailing you about you hosting this month's event @ my blog and haven't received any response. Please reply back to my email @ your gmail id.

    1. Done dear.. hope you gotta chance to check my mail :) Thanks a ton for reminding

  12. wow delicious buns,luks so perfect and yum...amazing clicks.

  13. Buns look delicious with tempting pictures! :P

  14. Love the look of your buns. So fluffy, soft and with a filling! I want!

  15. Award Waiting @

  16. Hi Gopika
    These buns look very soft and delicious.


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